Affiliate Linking


Last Updated: June 16, 2023

Affiliate Links Policy

At Pinecone, we believe in transparency and providing valuable content to our users. This policy explains how we use affiliate links on our website. By using our website, you acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this policy.

Disclosure and Transparency

We want to be upfront and transparent about our affiliate relationships. Some of the links on our website, including within our learning management system (LMS) educational content, may be affiliate links. This means that we may earn a commission or receive compensation if you click on those links and make a purchase.

Placement and Clarity

We strive to ensure that our disclosure is prominently and conspicuously displayed so that it is easily noticeable and understandable to our users. Our disclosure will be placed near the affiliate links or in a prominent location on our website or within our LMS.


We use clear and straightforward language to explain our affiliate relationships and potential compensation. We avoid ambiguous or confusing terms that may mislead or deceive our users.

Affiliate Relationship Disclaimer

Pinecone uses affiliate links. This means that we may earn a commission or receive compensation when you make a purchase through the links on our website or within our LMS. The presence of affiliate links does not impact our content or recommendations. We prioritize providing valuable information and resources to our users.

Educational Content

When we include affiliate links within our educational content or LMS, we want to emphasize that the inclusion of these links does not influence the educational content itself. We provide links for convenience or as additional resources. Any recommendations we make are based on merit and relevance, rather than solely on potential commissions.

Disclaimer Scope

This affiliate links policy applies to all affiliate links on our website and within our LMS. By using our website and accessing our educational content, you agree to the terms outlined in this policy.